Advantage Africa & Albinism - Uganda


For our fourth project, LYT turns towards Africa.

Advantage Africa was founded in 2002, and they work to support people affected by poverty and disability to improve their education, health and incomes. Their work helps some of East Africa’s most vulnerable people to overcome stigma, help themselves and build a better future for their families and communities.

Advantage Africa are a force led by husband and wife team Andrew and Jane Betts, and they tackle numerous projects all over East Africa.  In this partnership with Let Yourself, we focus on one project in particular – in improving the lives of people with albinism.

Children and adults with albinism in sub-Saharan Africa face multiple challenges which restrict their daily lives. These include visual impairments and extreme vulnerability to skin infections and cancer because they lack melanin in their skin.


As a result, over 98% die from skin cancer before the age of 40.

That’s a sentence that needs it’s own space, and is daunting to reflect upon.

People with albinism also face negative attitudes and misunderstanding from their communities and persecution by unscrupulous individuals in search of power and money, because in many parts of East Africa it’s believed their body parts bring great wealth. Limbs, hair and nails are in high demand by witch doctors, and because of this people with albinism often live in constant fear of their lives.

Such challenges mean that people with albinism are often excluded from education and have limited opportunities to earn a sustainable income. They lack access to basic medical care and most don’t have the knowledge or money needed to adequately protect themselves from the sun.

Advantage Africa’s project in the Busoga sub-region of Uganda is supporting 300 people with albinism to improve all aspects of their lives. They are working in partnership with the Source of the Nile Union of Persons with Albinism (SNUPA) to help children and adults with albinism to feel safe, accepted and included within their schools and communities.

Your support of this project also covers improved livelihoods, access to hats, high-factor sun screen, dermatology and other health care services.


The project aims to debunk myths and raise awareness of the needs and potential of people with albinism so that they can avoid abuse, access education and employment, help themselves and overcome the misunderstanding and prejudice that causes them to be so disadvantaged.

We look forward to sharing their stories, and focusing our minds and fundraising efforts on Uganda in the coming 6 months.  Stay tuned to the blog and newsletter for more info..

Thank you in advance for your support.

We’ll leave you with a note from Jane and Andrew, the founders of Advantage Africa..

"Advantage Africa is passionate about helping vulnerable and marginalised people to improve their lives, and we’re proud to have Martyn Joseph as our Patron.

Our partnership with Let Yourself Trust provides a wonderful opportunity to present Advantage Africa’s life-changing work to those who appreciate Martyn’s music.

The Trust’s support will enable us to address the unjust treatment, exclusion, poverty and persecution experienced by people with albinism in Uganda.

Thank you so much for your interest in this ground-breaking project.

With warmest wishes,

Andrew and Jane Betts

Co-founders, Advantage Africa"

For direct info on Advantage Africa, visit